Collection: Bath Salt / Foot Soak

The Benefits of a Foot Soak for A Professional Pedicure
For a professional pedicure, manicurists use a foot soak to cleanse the feet and soften the skin. The foot soak also helps to loosen any dead skin cells that may be on the feet. This is important because it helps to make the exfoliation process more effective. There are many different foot soaks that manicurists can use. Some of the most popular ones include Epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils. 
Epsom salts and essential oils should be used to soak your feet before your pedicure. Dead skin is treated by using Epsom salts to get moisture. Lavender, and Rose oils, for example, are available as substitutes, but they have additional benefits. 
Lavender oil is antibacterial and antifungal, making it an excellent choice for treating toenail fungus. The cooling effects of rose oil are said to be related to its ability to increase blood circulation, which alleviates pain. Because they kill bacteria and fungi beneath your nails, Epsom salts are popular among nail professionals. 
Dead skin can be removed from your feet by soaking them in Epsom salts. Dead skin is usually removed using a foot file or pumice stone. 
Getting a pedicure once a month can help to prevent and treat ingrown toenails. You should always keep your pedicures in good working order by taking them out on a regular basis. If you can’t soak for more than 20 minutes, you can try washing your feet in the shower for a few minutes before going to bed.
What Should We Add in Pedicure Water?
Foot Soaks are a great way to relax your feet. Warm water, sufficiently warm to cover your ankles, can be filled in a basin or tub with bath salts. Adding a few pebbles to the water will also aid in the absorption of the water.