Collection: Incense Sticks | Agarbatti

 What is an Agarbatti?

Agarbatti meaning in English is Incense sticks. They are natural fresheners made of traditional ingredients that are burnt to release fragrant aromas. These natural sticks are handcrafted using Ayurvedic components that have been around for centuries. It has a place in many spiritual and religious rituals in cultures around the world.

What are the Ingredients For Making Incense Sticks?

Indian incense sticks are made using traditional ayurvedic contents. At Kalla, we are the incense sticks manufacturers in India. Our natural sticks are made using recycled temple flowers which are discarded in holy rivers. Our all-natural sticks are dipped in natural essential oils making them perfect for the environment.

Revitalize your body, relax your mind with calming natural fragrances. Our agarbatti are available in 7 natural fragrances.  We recycle tons of temple flowers every year to give them a new life in the form of wellness products perfect for Pooja, Yoga, and Meditation or just relaxing on a Sunday morning.